You are here: Purchase > Inquiry > Work Flow

Work Flow

This chapter gives a description of how to use the inquiry procedures in MONITOR. Also see a more detailed flow chart of the work flow .

  1. System Settings. Under Orders / Inquiries under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure, you will find settings regarding inquiry prefix. In the Order Types / Prefix procedure under Tables in the Global Settings, you can enter the default inquiry prefix. The setting Use default terms for inquiries determines whether or not to use the supplier's terms of payment, terms of delivery and delivery method. If this setting has not been activated, these three fields are left empty in the inquiry.
  2. Registration. An inquiry is sent to one or more suppliers in order to ask for a quote in return. By saving different inquiries for the same range of parts under the same inquiry number (but with different sub-numbers), you make it easier to remove the refused inquiries. You create sub-numbers by using the Save as... function under File in the Window menu and then change supplier on the new inquiry. By entering a project on an inquiry, you will be able to gather your inquiries generated from the same customer order, for example.
  3. Monitoring. When using different kinds of lists of existing inquiries, you can monitor which suppliers have not responded, how many inquiries are active etc. Some of the lists also allow you to update references, status, responses from suppliers, etc. Once you have received a response, this is registered on the inquiry, at the same time as you update the status to 3 (Responded). If you decide to withdraw your inquiry, you can use status 6 (No order submitted) instead.
  4. Creating Purchase Orders. Once a decision is made regarding which inquiry should be accepted, you can generate a purchase order from an inquiry. This is done by using the Order button under the Main tab in the Register Inquiry procedure. However, you should first enter the required delivery times for the inquiry rows, otherwise the program will save the wrong Initial period. The other sub-numbers of this inquiry will automatically get Status 8 (Thank you for your interest). In the Print Inquiry procedure, you can print the form called Inquiry Response, which can be sent to the suppliers whose quotes were not accepted. If the payment terms, delivery terms or delivery method are missing on the inquiry when it is converted into a purchase order, the system will load the supplier’s terms into the order instead.