You are here: Purchase > Suppliers > Update Supplier > Trade Area

Trade Area

Here you select to which trade area the supplier belongs. The following trade areas are available:

If you select EU, the supplier must have a VAT number registered. When selecting EU as trade are it determines that EU VAT (calculated input and output VAT on purchases from EU countries) should be coded when registering supplier invoices from this supplier.

Accounts for EU VAT on foreign purchases must be defined in the Chart of Accounts / Standard Accounts procedure in the Global Settings module.

Lists in the Supplier List procedure can be filtered by Trade area.

If the setting regarding Reversed liability for payment is used in combination with Trade area Import, the calculation of input or output VAT will be made when registering supplier invoices from the supplier. This only applies to the supplier Tullverket (Sweden). Accounts for input VAT and Import - Reversed reversed liability for payment must be defined in the Chart of Accounts / Standard Accounts procedure in the Global Settings module.

Please Note! Suppliers in the EU trade area must have VAT code 1 in order for the VAT coding within the EU to work.