You are here: Purchase > Suppliers > Update Supplier > Receiving Inspection

Receiving Inspection

Here you can choose that all parts that are purchased from this supplier should be receiving inspected upon arrival. These parts must then be inspected after arrival reporting. The following alternatives are available No, Yes or Interval. If you have not entered an interval under the Interval button, 100% will be given a receiving inspection.

If receiving inspection shall be made using intervals you can use the Interval button to enter Current inspections, Inspection frequency and Max. days. You will also find information about Arrivals since last inspection.

If you have selected one of the alternatives Yes or Interval the button Instrux... will appear. There you can then enter instructions for the receiving inspection. If the supplement Document Viewing is installed, the button for document viewing/linking also appears . There you can link external documents to the receiving inspection.

In the field Modified you can see the user name of the person who activated the receiving inspection for the supplier and also when it was activated. If the receiving inspection instead has been deactivated you will see by whom and when it was done.

If there are only a few individual parts from this supplier that should be given a receiving inspection, you can configure this at the part level instead under the Purchase tab in the Update Part procedure.

Please note that the receiving inspection on the supplier will override the receiving inspection entered for the part.

You can use the Receiving Inspection List procedure to load a list showing the parts that have arrived but have not yet been receiving inspected. Then you use the Receiving Inspection Reporting procedure to report the approved quantity to stock.