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Printout Samples

Below you will find a few samples and detailed descriptions of the different list types that can be selected under the Create tab.


The Standard list shows the Supplier name, the first row of the Reference field, Phone number, Fax number and the Mailing address. The purpose of this list is to print a supplier register containing the basic information.


Sample of the Standard list.

ClosedList Settings

The Settings list shows the same information as the Standard list, plus some of the most important settings that can be updated on a supplier.

Sample of the Settings list.


The Addresses list shows the same information as the Standard list, but includes both the Mailing address and the Delivery address.


Sample of the Addresses list.

ClosedContact Information

The Contact info list shows the same information as the Standard list, plus all the References, Phone and Fax information including comments. The Comments field is very small, compared to the original input field in the Update Supplier procedure, to allow it to fit in the list.

Sample of the Contact info list.


The References list displays the following information concerning the supplier: Supplier code, Supplier name, E-mail, Phone number, Fax number and Zip code & City. In the lower part, information is displayed for all references with Name, Comment, Phone number, Mobile phone, E-mail, Reference category and Fax number. The purpose of this list is to print a supplier register containing information about the reference persons.

Sample of the Contact info list.


The Comments list shows the same information as the Standard list, but also includes comments, if any, that have been made for the supplier. Comments can be made in the Update Supplier procedure, and are internal comments that are only visible in this list and in the Update Supplier window.


Sample of the Comments list.


The Block/Notify list shows information about blocks and notifications/messages for the suppliers. It is also possible to block or notify for the suppliers directly in the list. You can also see when the block/notification was entered and by whom. The list also contains information regarding the supplier name and category.

Sample of the Block/Notify list.

ClosedException Accounts

The Exception accounts list only shows suppliers with exception accounts. The information shown is Reference, Phone, Fax and the exception accounts that have been selected for the supplier in question, including any related Cost centers, Cost units and Projects.

Sample of an Exception accounts list.

ClosedInternational Payments

The International payments list only displays the suppliers that have any information regarding international payments registered. This list shows the following information about the supplier: Supplier code, Supplier name, Reference, Phone and Fax. The following information can be updated: PlusGiro, Bank account, SWIFT/BIC, Country code (the supplier), Central bank code, Bank name, Bank address, Bank city, Country code (the bank), Payment form, Payee code, Charge code and Allocation code.

Sample of the International payments list.


The Shipping list shows the supplier's shipping information. Here you can view and modify the place of destination if it differs from the delivery city/delivery city. The place of delivery is taken from the supplier's delivery address. You can also see and modify the pallet registration number, delivery day and transport time.

Sample of the Shipping list.

ClosedGAN/Customer Number

The GAN/Cust. no. list displays, when classified by Supplier code, GAN/Customer number and Pallet registration number entered for the shipping agents, if any. This information is entered via the GAN/Cust. no. button under the Info tab in the Update Supplier procedure. If none of this information has been entered there, then the supplier in question will not be taken into account on this type of list. You can change these numbers in the list.

Sample of the GAN/Customer number list.

ClosedExtra Info

In the Extra info list you can see and update fields in the Extra Info tab. You can adjust the list by using Properties... by right-clicking and opening the Info menu.

ClosedAttach XML File

The list Attach XML file is used to configure which XML files that will be attached to e-mails that are sent to suppliers. This function is included in the MONITOR-to-MONITOR feature.

You can choose to attach purchase orders, delivery schedules and claims as XML files along with the PDF file that is always sent. You can also choose to attach the annual volume (as a TXT file) when sending forecasted annual volumes. All four options are selected by default.

Sample of the Attach XML file list.