You are here: Purchase > Accounts Payable > Import Supplier Invoices > General Information about Import Supplier Invoices

General Information about Import Supplier Invoices

This procedure is a supplement function in MONITOR.

Why Use This Procedure?

This procedure is used to import electronic supplier invoices via EDI. After these invoices are preliminary linked to already arrived purchase orders, the invoices can be managed as manually registered invoices.

If all information on the imported supplier invoices and the arrivals match, you can automatically import those invoices as final coded. It is then also possible to automatically get the price differences (including exchange profits/losses when using foreign currencies) coded automatically by the system. This also applies for purchase of subcontract. This is determined by the setting Record price differences during invoice registration? under the section Accounts Payable under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.

In the upper portion of the window you select imported supplier invoices in a table. Here you can mark an imported supplier invoice as Authorized, Pending or Incorrect. The supplier invoices are shown in detail under the Header and Rows tabs. The Warnings tab is activated if there is something that does not match on an invoice.

Conditions for Importing Supplier Invoices via EDI

Before you can use the EDI import, you must configure your system to support EDI and install a special EDI bridge. Furthermore your supplier must use EDI when placing their orders with their customers. Please read more about EDI in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

An EDI link shall be configured in the EDI Links procedure. It should have format group 27 Import Supplier Invoices and format number 36 Import of EDIFAC. Under Link method you select File. A File name and a path to a Directory where the imported file will be saved by the EDI bridge shall be entered. Under Data management you select EDI data. The alternative Automatic MEDI should normally also be selected.

Window Functions

Select Import new invoices to import new supplier invoices (to the EDI Data) from an import file.

Select Import pending invoices to load (from the EDI Data) already imported invoices with status Pending.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.