You are here: Purchase > Accounts Payable > Search Supplier Invoice > List Settings


Waiting Time More than .... Days

Here you enter the number of days that the invoice has been out on authorization round. This is useful to deselect invoices that were recently sent out on authorization round.

Reminder via E-mail

If you use the list type Not authorized you can choose to send reminder via e-mail. Check the persons that you want to send reminders to and finish by clicking on the "running man" at the very top of the toolbar.


If you use the list type Not authorized you can select the alternative Send forward. This is used when you wish to automatically forward an invoice if a certain signer has had it for too long or if it is about to be overdue. Check the Forward check box and save, then the invoices will be forwarded. This list can be handy to run via the Agent function in MONITOR (supplement).

To be able to use this list you first have to configure some settings for the respective user in the Users procedure in the Global Settings module.