You are here: Purchase > Orders > Delivery Reminders > The Create Tab

Search Form

When the procedure is opened, the Search Form appears. This window consists of two portions. The Closedleft portion of the Search Form appears first. Here you select by Supplier code, Supplier name, Category, Order number or Our reference.

Search Form in the Delivery Reminder procedure.

The available printout settings are Type of form, Printout date, Our reference, Your reference, Copies, Grace period, Only order confirmed, Include text rows and Include order rows confirmed as delayed.

To print modified purchase orders you use one of the following methods; Preliminary selection or Direct printing via intervals. These are the same methods as the methods used in the Order Confirmation Reminders procedure.

After selecting method, the right portion of the Search Form opens. This window shows which suppliers that will receive order confirmation reminders. The left portion of the window is in this mode no longer active. If you have selected Preliminary selection, you can de-select suppliers and preview the printout before printing.