You are here: Purchase > Orders > Order Confirmation Reminders > General Information about Order Confirmation Reminders

General Information about Order Confirmation Reminders

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure allows you to print order confirmation reminders per order row for those order confirmations that have not been returned by the supplier within a certain period of time.

You can also send order confirmation reminders to the supplier via e-mail. E-mail recipients of order confirmation reminders are entered under the Info tab in the Update Supplier procedure.

Order confirmations can be printed in the Print Purchase Order procedure and are attached to a purchase order in those cases when you require your own order confirmation form in return from the supplier, instead of the supplier's order confirmation form. Confirmed order rows are given Status 3 (Confirmed).

The order confirmation reminder form is used to summarize per supplier all the order rows with order confirmations that fulfill the conditions or prerequisites mentioned below.

Conditions for Printing Order Confirmation Reminders

To be able to print an order confirmation reminder, all order rows cannot be confirmed and the Printout date of the order must be earlier than or equal to the entered printout date minus the Grace period.

An order can contain previously confirmed order rows. The status of the order header is then 3, but only the not confirmed order rows will be included in the printout. You will also see Partially (in parenthesis) to the right of the order number on the form. This indicates that the order has been partially confirmed.

Managing Windows

The Search Form in this procedure consists of two portions. In the left portion of the window, you select the printout by entering an interval of Supplier code, Supplier name, Category, Order number or Our reference. If you leave these fields empty, the system will print order confirmation reminders for all the overdue order confirmations. Here you will also find settings regarding printout to fax, printout date, our reference, your reference, copies, grace period and if text rows shall be included.

In the right portion of the window, you can uncheck (deselect) individual suppliers. When the right portion of the window is activated, you can also click on Preview to preview the printout.

Read more about the different methods for printing order confirmation reminders; "Preliminary Selection" and "Direct printing via intervals" .

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.