You are here: Purchase > Orders > Register Purchase Order > Part Number

Part Number

Row type 1 and 6 (part row)

Enter the part number in question, or use the PopUp window to select a part. If you are using row type 1, the part must be registered in the part register.

The supplier's part number is displayed in a yellow square when the cursor is moved over our part number, provided that the part has a supplier link and that the supplier's part number is entered in the Update Part - Purchase.

Row Type 2 (Additional Order Row)

Enter an optional part number for a part that is not included in the part register.

Row type 3 (Service row)

Enter the service in question, or use the PopUp window to select a service. If you are using row type 3, the service must be registered in the Update Services procedure in the Sales module.

If you enter a part number that is not linked to the supplier in question a warning appears if the Setting Check supplier link during order registration? is activated under the Purchase tab. It is then possible to automatically add the supplier to the part's supplier link.

Warning. The supplier is not among the entered suppliers for the part.