You are here: Purchase > Orders > Register Purchase Order > The Info Menu on Partial Invoice Rows

The Info Menu on Partial Invoice Rows

In the Info menu you can choose to release invoice bases and undo release for partial invoice rows.

Release Supplier Invoice Basis

With this option, a supplier invoice basis is released for a partial invoice. You can only release the partial invoice types In advance and In arrears. For the partial invoice type Delivery a regular supplier invoice basis is created when the order is arrival reported. Automatic deductions will then be made according to the in advance and in arrears invoices that already have been or will be sent.

During the release, a supplier invoice basis is created that you later can link to the supplier invoice in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure.

Undo Release

With this selection, you can undo a released partial invoice. Please note that only the invoice basis will be deleted. However, if an arrival reporting has been made it will not be undone.