You are here: Purchase > Orders > Register Purchase Order > Causing Requirement

Causing Requirement

Here you will see the manufacturing order number, if it is an M-order that has caused the requirement (shown in red). In the same way, you will see the customer order number, if it is a C-order that has caused the requirement (shown in green). A so-called tooltip shows more information about the causing requirement. You cannot modify this field. If it is a stock order that has caused the requirement, the stock order number will be shown in black.

During registration of a purchase order for a P-part with lot sizing rule Lot-for-lot and the setting Linked requirement/supply planning for P-part (Lot-for-lot) activated under the Requirements Planning heading under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure, the following warning message will appear.

Warning during registration of a part with lot sizing rule Lot-for-lot.

Replanning of a purchase order registered with lot sizing rule Lot-for-lot

A message appears telling you that order rows registered with lot sizing rule Lot-for-lot should not be replanned/modified in this procedure.

Warning during modification of an order row linked to a causing requirement.

The message will appear, if you: