You are here: Inventory > Parts > Import Annual Budget / Annual Volume > The Import Annual Budget / Annual Volume Window

The Import Annual Budget / Annual Volume Window

In the upper portion of the window you select if you want to import to Annual budget or Annual volume, which file you want to import and which decimal separator you want to use. You start the import by clicking on the Import button.

After the import, the import result is shown in a list in the window. In the Import result list you can easily check the information before saving. You will here see the Old annual budget and the New annual budget and also the Diff % when importing annual budget. When importing annual volume you will see Old annual volume and New annual volume as well as the Diff %.

The imported list can be sorted by double-clicking in the headings.

In the Save column in the list you select which rows you want to save. You save by using File on the Window menu or using the Save button in the Window functions.