You are here: Inventory > Parts > Outline


Under Parts in the Inventory module, you will find procedures used to register and update different part information, as well as viewing historical inventory movements, estimating the annual volume and analyzing the volume value.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Parts menu in the Inventory module of a complete MONITOR system. Please note that the procedures Rename Part and Print Part Label are supplements that must be purchased separately.

Update Part - Inventory

Here you can register all manufactured, purchased and marketed parts. This procedure contains complete part information including all the part settings, except for structures. Manufactured parts can also be registered and updated with structures in the Preparation procedure in the Manufacturing module. All the purchased and marketed parts can also be registered and updated with their respective purchase or sales information in the Update Part - Purchase procedure in the Purchase module and Update Part - Sales procedure in the Sales module.

Price Adjustment

Here you perform price adjustments for registered parts. This means that you can recalculate all the different price types that exist in the system. You can find a Price Adjustment procedure under the Parts heading in the Purchase, Sales and Inventory modules.

Calculate Mean Price

This procedure is used to calculate an alternative average purchase price for parts called Mean price. The mean price is entered in the system as MP.

Price Change Log

Here you can print the price changes. All price changes are logged in the register, read more about Updating prices. This procedure can then be used to study the history of these price changes.

Price Development

You can see the development of the parts' purchase prices, sales prices and pre-calculations and compare them between two dates. You can for example see how much the purchase prices have risen/fallen between two dates.

Translate Part

Here you can translate the name and additional name of a part. This type of translation is made so that customer orders and purchase orders can contain the part name translated into the language selected for the order.

Rename Part

Here you can rename parts by giving them a new part number and new part name. The part will retain all the other existing part information. However, the old part number will still remain in the historical register.

Remove Part

Here you can perform checks to be able to delete parts. The result of the check is displayed as well as different selection options before the removal is executed.

Part Activity List

In this procedure you can print all planned part activities, as well as view statistics for finished part activities.

Exact Match Search - Part Log

In this procedure you can make exact match searches in the part log. The procedure can be useful if you want to search for parts that have a certain notification.

Activity Reporting - Part

This procedure is used to report part activities in a list. Here you can report/update status, comments, who performed the reporting and reporting date.

Part List - Inventory

Here you can create printouts from the part register. You can also print a part list in the Part List - Sales and Part List - Purchase procedures. The part information that can be included in these lists is related to the module that you load the list from.

Print Part Label

Supplement. Here you can print part labels that can be used to mark parts in your stock or warehouse.

Historical Inventory Movements

This procedure allows you to print an historical register over those transactions that have taken place in your inventory. This register creates a log for all the inventory movement transactions, as well as those that affect the stock balance. This procedure can then be used to study the history of these inventory movements.

Prepare Annual Budget

This procedure is mainly used if you use Stock Refill System (SRS) in MONITOR. Here you can load a list in order to calculate and save an annual budget for parts within an assortment of parts.

Estimate Annual Volume

Here you can calculate and save the annual volume for an assortment of parts. You can also estimate the loading for the selected parts. When estimating the annual volume, you can save the new annual volume value in the part register. You can also manually adjust this value before saving.

Calculate Stock Levels

This procedure is mainly used if you use Stock Refill System (SRS) in MONITOR. This is where you calculate different stock levels for a range of parts in a list, which is then used as a signal to replenish (refill) stock in the stock refill lists.

Calculate EOQ

This is where you calculate the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) of the parts. The purpose is to calculate a quantity that will minimize the cost of stock-keeping and purchasing. This quantity is later used for requirements planning and calculations. Furthermore, you can create a reasonability check of the lot sizing of parts with the lot sizing rule Fixed quantity, in view of fluctuations in the consumption of the part in question.

Volume Value Analysis

Here you can load a list used to calculate and analyze the volume value of different parts. This is usually performed for the entire line of goods or part register. In order to estimate the volume value of parts, you must first have registered an Annual volume and a price to base the calculations on for the parts. You can estimate the volume value for Purchase parts (P-parts), Manufactured parts (M-parts) and Stocked parts (S-parts). However, the volume value is usually calculated on the standard price. That price is also selected by default.

Inventory Analysis

This is a procedure which complements the Calculate Stock Levels procedure and is mainly intended to be used within the Stock Refill System (SRS). Here you can print lists and analyze different key ratios in your stock/inventory.

Print Annual Volume

In this procedure you can e-mail a list (a PDF file) and a text file to the supplier containing information about the annual volumes that exist for the range of parts that is purchased from the supplier.

Import Annual Budget / Annual Volume

In this procedure you can easily import annual budgets or annual volumes for parts from regular text files.

Part Import

This procedure is used to import parts and material to BOM lists in the preparation from regular text files. For example from CAD systems or customers.