You are here: Inventory > Requirements Planning > Refill List - Manufacturing > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Here are a few printout samples of the Refill List - Manufacturing procedure, containing descriptions of the information and application of the list.

When you load the list, it is displayed in a standard layout. By using the Info menu if you right-click in the list, you can see a maximized layout that will show all the columns. (However, in this view the list is too wide to fit in a Landscape A4 page during printout). You can also hide columns that are not used. You can also move columns around in the list using your mouse to "drag and drop". You can also save your own layout so that it can be loaded and used again, also via the Info menu.

You should always test using Preview under File in the Window menu, to see if your own layout will fit on your paper size when printing. You can also change the zoom for the list in the Preview mode, in order to fit more columns.

The information shown in a list with maximized layout is:

Part with part number, name and standard price. If a part has got another warehouse purchase, the part number field is shown in yellow.

Balance with quantity, unit and for how many work days the stock balance will last.

Actual orders with orders both as a total and within lead time (LT), reservations both as a total and within lead time, reservations in past time (DE) and available balance both as a total and within lead time as well as quantity. You can update the calculated suggested order quantity.

Order with finish period for order suggestions where the Finish period can be changed. If you selected the option Suggest all under the Create tab, all rows are selected for generating orders in the Ok column. If the part is blocked for registration, you will see a padlock . Click the padlock to view the reason for the block. Then you cannot select these orders in the Ok column to generate orders. Part status (S) which shows the status symbol if the status is other than 4 (Normal). If there is a message for the part you will see a speech bubble . You can read the message by clicking the speech bubble. And lastly, you will see part code and part category.

Maximized list.

Classification is shown for part with ABC code, warehouse (only shown if you have installed the supplement Warehouse Management), customer code, priority (Sort) and round-off (OS).

Formula/Sort with order quantity (NRQ) and reorder point (ROP).

Planning info with safety stock (SS), safety time (ST), minimum order quantity (Min.OQ), lead time (LT), annual volume (AV), daily pace (ADU), annual volume current pace (AVD), current daily pace (ADUD), EOQ (EOQ).

Maximized list, continued.

The Planning info continues with lot sizing rule, grace period in days (see under lot sizing rules for part), round-off quantity (MPQ), pallet quantity (PQ), transport quantity (TQ), warehouse purchase as well as statistics for 3 months..

Consumption with statistics for 12 months as well as "enough material for" which shows for how many parts there is sufficient material.

Maximized list, continued.

To the far right in the list you can see the values for the variables: GST, WDY, WDYC, AVAILQ and NRQM.

The abbreviations within parenthesis are the names of the formulas used in the Planning Formulas procedure.