You are here: Inventory > Requirements Planning > Refill List - Manufacturing > General Information about Refill List - Manufacturing

General Information about Refill List - Manufacturing

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used if you use stock replenishment or Stock Refill System (SRS) in MONITOR. Under the Create tab you can load lists for stock replenishment / stock refill for selected manufactured, stocked and fictitious parts. Parts with lot sizing rule B (Bucket parts) are not managed in refill lists.

You can also generate manufacturing orders directly in a list, which is the same function as in the Manufacturing Order Suggestion procedure. Under Printout samples you will find samples of the list, with explanations for the different columns.

You can filter parts using different stock levels. The purpose of filtering list is to get a quick overview of which parts need to be refilled in stock.

It can be useful to change the layout of the list by choosing which columns you want to display in the list. You can also move the columns around in the list. These settings can be saved to a new customized layout.

The basis for the calculations performed in this list are the different formulas from the Planning Formulas procedure in Global Settings module, including the different filter and sorting alternatives. The formulas used here as a standard are those on rows 8, 10 (12) and 14 in that procedure. Read more about these formulas in the Help Function for that procedure. The calculation will be performed in three steps once the list is loaded, as follows:

  1. Filtering parts that create a refill signal according to Formula 8.
  2. Calculating the order quantity according to Formula 10 (and possibly 12).
  3. Giving priority to the list according to Formula 14.

Please note that you have to configure the setting Split Safety stock and Reorder point?, under Requirements Planning under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure, before you create refill lists. If this setting is not configured, you will see the following Closedwarning text under the Create tab:


The warning text that appears if the setting for reorder point is not activated.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

You can update the calculated suggested order quantity and start period for each order suggestion.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

There are no charts or graphs available in this list.

Window Functions

Use Generate order once you have loaded the list, to generate manufacturing orders from the suggestions checked with OK in the list.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

Concept Link IconSee also: