You are here: Inventory > Requirements Planning > Rescheduling Analysis > General Information about Rescheduling Analysis

General Information about Rescheduling Analysis

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

Why Use This Procedure?

In this procedure you can analyze to see which orders that are "too early" and that can be moved ahead in time to cover requirements that arise later on. The analysis is based on the order's finish or delivery period. The calculation searches for the next requirement date ahead in time (if any) and creates rescheduling suggestions for requirements that arise later on. The suggestions can arise from a customer order, material requirement or material requirement suggestion. The procedure will consider planning settings such as safety stock and safety time for parts. You can analyze all selected manufactured, stocked and purchased parts. Manufacturing orders with underlying material requirement and loading can also be replanned.

The procedure can also calculate/create advancement suggestions. Unlike the Run Netting procedure, the Rescheduling Analysis can suggest several orders per part number to be moved. Another difference is that all orders that can be rescheduled will be included in the list, even orders that are further ahead than the part's grace period. These order rows will be shown in the list but they will not be selected by default to be rescheduled, that is up to the user to decide.

The rescheduling suggestions will always choose the reservation point nearest in time, regardless of if it is in the future or the past. Via the Info menu (normally available by right-clicking) you can however select to receive rescheduling suggestions of all orders in present time.

The procedure is also useful to find any manufacturing and purchase orders that are created based on requirements from a customer order that for some reason has been deleted. These leftover orders have a difference of "9999" days between the existing finish/delivery period and the next requirement date. "9999" days means that there is no reasonable next requirement date (the requirement disappeared when the customer order was deleted or is way ahead in time). These orders can then be checked and deleted.

Under the Create tab, you can select parts and orders. You will also find options regarding replanning of order and options regarding order types and part types, options to include already confirmed delayed orders/order rows, and also which analysis that should be performed.

In this list, you can select the orders you want to reschedule or replan using a new finish period or delivery period, respectively. You can sort the columns in the list to make it easier to see the orders which are important to replan. In the list, you can execute the replanning of all the selected orders. Under Printout samples, you can see a sample of the list.

Please note that the part types M and S with an entered max. quantity will not be included in the calculation.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

Here you can enter a new finish/delivery period for the order rows shown in the list. These changes will be applied once you replan orders in this procedure. The orders that are selected under the Replan column in the list will be replanned.

If a purchase order is replanned, the initial delivery period on the order row will be the same as the new delivery period. If the Requested delivery period is set to be updated automatically via a setting, this period will also be the same as the New delivery period. If an order row is confirmed it will be reset to "not conformed" via the replanning.

In the list you can also mark order rows as confirmed delayed.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

There are no charts or graphs available in this list.

Window Functions

Use Run to execute the rescheduling of the Finish or Delivery period for the orders that have been selected for replanning. A control question will appear where you must confirm that you want to reschedule (replan). You can also select if you want to print the replanned orders.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.


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