You are here: Inventory > Requirements Planning > Forecast List > The Create Tab

The Create Tab

When you open the procedure, the Create tab first appears. In the upper part of the tab you select how to classify and select the list. There are a few terms used for classification and selection.

In the lower part of the window you will find different list types to choose from. Under Forecast type, you select forecast type and if you want to include inactive forecasts. Under Price alternatives you select the price alternative on which you want to base the forecasts. You can select which part types you want to include, all part types are selected by default.

Once the list has been displayed on your screen, you can also delete old forecast and simulation rows, or move old rows to a new date in the future. In order to do this, you open the Info Menu by right-clicking.

Under Printout Samples, you can see samples of the different list types as well as comments regarding each list type.