You are here: Inventory > Physical Inventory > Continuous Physical Inventory - List > Selection


Under this heading you can make a selection of parts based on physical inventory month, requested physical inventories, physical inventories with lag and buffer time and finally grace period for physical inventories. The parts that are included in this selection are then displayed in the Selection tab.

Physical Inventory this Month

This alternative is selected by default since the normal scenario is that parts that are to be inventoried have the current month as their physical inventory month. The parts will then be included in the list unless they have been inventoried earlier this month, or if they are included in an already printed physical inventory list.

Requested Physical Inventories

This alternative is also selected by default since any requested inventories normally should be included.


This alternative can be selected if there are parts that have an inventory lag. This means that a part that has a physical inventory month which is earlier than the current, should already has been inventoried but hasn't. You can limit for how far back in time you want to include lags. As a maximum 11 months' lag can be selected. Parts that have the last or any previous month as physical inventory month, are displayed under the Lag section in the selection list.

Buffer Time 1 Month

This alternative can be selected if you want to inventory parts that have the next month as their physical inventory month. This can be used if you by the end of the month feel that you want to start with the inventory for the coming month. Parts that have the next month as physical inventory month, are displayed under the Future section in the selection list.

Grace Period 1 Month

This alternative can be selected in order not to include parts that were inventoried last month in spite of the fact that they have the current month as their inventory month. This can apply in cases when you last month used the buffer time and performed a physical inventory for parts one month earlier than planned.