You are here: Inventory > Quality > Register Nonconformity > Part


In the Part section you register all the part information for a nonconformity part.

Part Number

Here you enter the part number for the part that has a nonconformity. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for the part number or part name. By using F3 you can search using the drawing number instead of the name. The part name will appear in the grey field to the right, once you select a part. The name can be copied.


Here you select the revision of the nonconforming part. You can select from the part's registered revisions. If this window was opened from for example the Receiving Inspection Reporting procedure, then the revision has been loaded from the order.

Reported Reject Code

Here you select the reported reject code (Rep. R-code). During rejection reporting, this is configured the same way as in the reject reporting window. This is printed as "Reject description" in the nonconformity report. This reject code is only used when calculating the delivery performance if the verified reject code field is empty.

Reported Rejects

This is where you enter the reported reject quantity (number of rejects). During rejection reporting, this is configured the same way as in the reject reporting window. The reported rejects quantity is only used when calculating the delivery performance if the verified reject quantity field is empty.

Serial Number

If it is a customer nonconformity, and the nonconforming part has a serial number, you can select it from the product register using this field. If you do not use this kind of entity traceability, just leave this field empty. If you enter a serial number, the fields Order number, Delivery date, Nonconformity date and Manufacturing date will be updated.

Batch Number

If it is a supplier nonconformity, you can enter a batch number from the supplier here, in order to identify a batch.

Delivered Quantity

Enter the delivered quantity for customer and supplier nonconformities (this corresponds to the arrived quantity for supplier nonconformities).

Manufactured Quantity

When registering internal nonconformities and preventive actions, you enter the manufactured quantity instead.

Order Number

Here you enter the customer order number for customer nonconformities, and the purchase order number for supplier nonconformities. If you use the PopUp feature or F4 , you can search for customer orders or customer codes, as well as purchase orders or supplier codes. By using the F3 feature for customer nonconformities, you can also search for the part number instead of the customer code.

Manufacturing Order Number

When registering internal nonconformities and preventive actions, you enter the manufacturing order number instead. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for the manufacturing order number or part number. Using F3 you can then see the order status instead of the part name.

Customer Code

Select a customer code for customer nonconformities. If you have entered a customer order number, the customer code is automatically loaded from the order. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for the customer code or customer name. The customer name will then appear in the grey field to the right, once you select a customer code.

Supplier Code

For supplier nonconformities you should instead select the supplier code. If you have entered a purchase order number, the supplier code will automatically be loaded from the order. Use Supplier code for supplier nonconformities. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for the supplier code or supplier name. The supplier name will then appear in the inactive field to the right, once you select a supplier code.


When registering internal nonconformities and preventive actions, you enter the operation number instead.


When registering internal nonconformities and preventive actions, you can enter a project number here.

Delivery Date

Here you enter a delivery date for the customer and supplier nonconformities (for supplier deliveries, this date corresponds to the arrival date). This date is used to calculate the delivery performance.

Manufacturing Date

When registering internal nonconformities and preventive actions, you enter the manufacturing date instead.

Nonconformity Date

Enter the date when the nonconformity was reported or occurred. The field shows today's date by default. This date is used when calculating the delivery performance, for example if the delivery date field is empty.

When the nonconformity is finished (status 9 = Historical), it is suggested that the nonconformity date is set to today's date. The registration date is still saved on the nonconformity. In this way you can measure the cost of poor quality per period, for example per month for nonconformities that are finished during that month.

Employee Number

When registering internal nonconformities you can here enter an employee number for the person reporting the nonconformity.