You are here: Inventory > Quality > Register Nonconformity > Reject Reason

Reject Reason

Under the Reject reason section, you enter information regarding the reason or cause of the nonconformity. The relevant information depends on which nonconformity type is used. The purpose of entering reject reasons, is that the cost of poor quality are shown for the causing factors.

Reject Code

Here you select a reject code (R-code) that caused the nonconformity. For example, it could be a tool defect that caused a processing measure to become incorrect or inaccurate.


Here you can select the reject reason (the causing tool), if a tool caused the nonconformity. This is only available if you use Tool Management in the system.

Supplier Code

Here you enter the supplier code responsible for the reject reason. This usually applies to customer nonconformities. For supplier nonconformities, you enter the supplier code in the upper portion of the window.

Work Center

Here you can select the causing work center. This is the work center that was registered for the operation where the fault or error took place. If you have entered the manufacturing order number, part number and operation number, this will automatically be filled in.


Here you can select the causing department. By default, this will be the department on which the selected work center is registered.

Causing Part Number

Here you can select the causing part number. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for the part number or part name. By using F3 you can search using the drawing number instead of the name.


You can enter comments regarding the reject reason / cause using this button. This is an internal note or annotation and is not printed anywhere in particular.