You are here: Inventory > Quality > Register Nonconformity > Manufacturing Order

Manufacturing Order

The Manufacturing order section only appears for customer nonconformities, and when you check the Subcontract option for supplier nonconformities. This is where you can enter information from manufacturing orders for the part included in a customer's claim or complaint. For subcontracts, this information is mandatory (required). During rejection reporting for subcontracts, this field will be filled in by default.

Order Number

Here you select the manufacturing order number of the nonconforming part. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for the manufacturing order or part number. Using F3 you can see the order status instead of the part name.


Enter the operation number where the nonconformity took place. If the order number, part number and operation number has been entered, then the causing work center and department will automatically appear as well.

Manufacturing Date

This is where you enter the date the part was manufactured. The system does not use the manufacturing date in any particular way. It can be used as additional information for warranty purposes, etc.


This is where you enter a project. This applies only to manufacturing order projects, not accounting projects. This information can be useful if you want to review the Cost of Poor Quality per project. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for the project or manufacturing order. You can also search for the project name, instead of the manufacturing order, using the F3 shortcut key.