You are here: Inventory > Orders > Arrival Reporting - Stock Orders > The Rows Tab

The Rows Tab

Here you perform arrivals per row and per part.

Each order row displays information about (starting from the left): position, part number, name, quantity and unit.

You can choose - for each order row - whether to deliver the entire quantity or a smaller quantity. A partially delivered order row is highlighted in yellow. If the order row is delivered in full, it will be highlighted in green.

The delivery period appears to the right on the order row. And to the far right, the order row shows information regarding price each and amount.

The All check box is checked by default. Here you enter the Quantity to report and the Arrived quantity is displayed.

In the lower part of the window you can see the Extra row info....

Managing Locations

For each order row, you can enter a location. This location is saved for the part during registration. If there is a location registered for the part, this will be shown in the Location column, otherwise that field will show ********. If you use multiple stock locations, a separate window will open in the Quantity to report field where you can enter (for each order row) the quantity to be arrival reported per location. In that window, you can also add, delete or change the existing location names. The Location field on the order row will then say Several... and be greyed out.