You are here: Accounting > Switch Year / Period > Balance Check / Find Error > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Below you will find a few samples and comments of the different list types that can be selected in the Create tab.

ClosedBalance check

In this list, a check is made to make sure that the account balances in the general ledger correspond with the balance in the balance register. If there are no balance errors, you will see an empty list. The list shows Account, Name, Cost center, Cost unit, Project, Period, Current balance, Balance general ledger and Difference.

Click on the Save button (or F10) to rectify the balance register:


A control question then appears to confirm that you want to rectify the balances:

A dialog box to confirm rectifying the balances.

Sample of a Balance check list.

ClosedSequential check

In this list, a check is made to find any possible "gaps" between the different voucher numbers. A separate check is made for each voucher number series. For each series, a result is shown telling you between which voucher numbers you will find gaps.

Sample of a Sequential check list, selected by voucher number series 5.