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Under the Switch Year/Period menu in the Accounting module there are procedures that are used mainly when switching year and performing year-end closings.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Switch year/Period menu in the Accounting module in MONITOR.

Period Management

The system allows you to have three periods open for accounting at the same time. This procedure is used to change accounting periods. It is also possible to undo a period switch.

Periodic Statement

This is where you create Periodic Statements. The periodic statement is a simulated closing of the accounts, which can be performed anytime during the accounting year. You can also make a periodic statement for a previous period. The system only allows you to work with one periodic statement at the time. This means that the previous financial statement is deleted when a new one is created.

Switch Year

Here you can perform the year switch. The year switch should be performed when all vouchers have been registered in the last period of the accounting year. After having switched year, vouchers can be registered in the new year at the same time as the year-end closing procedures are continued in the previous year.

Opening Balance

This procedure is used to manually enter the opening balances for accounts in the Chart of Accounts. This procedure is mainly used when you install a new company in MONITOR. When you have used the MONITOR system for an accounting year and you start the year-end closings by switching year, the opening balances are automatically transferred to the new year. The opening balances can be entered at account level but also at the sub-levels called cost center and cost unit. To be able to enter opening balances at sub-levels, the account in question must manage these sub-levels.

Revaluate Ledgers

This procedure is used to revaluate and record exchange rate differences in the accounts receivable and accounts payable ledgers in connection to the year-end closing. You can also create a voucher where you book/record these exchange rate differences.

Opening Balance List

This procedure is used to print the opening balances for accounts in the Chart of Accounts. The opening balance is automatically loaded to the new year during year-end closing. But it can be registered manually in the Opening Balance procedure as well. In addition to printing opening balance at account level, you can also print the opening balance per cost center and cost unit.

Print SRU

Here you can print SRU Reports. SRU is an abbreviation of the Swedish term for standardized accounting statement and it should be attached to the company's tax return. The report is designed according to the tax return form that is sent to the tax authorities.

Historical Transactions

In this procedure you can get information about events and activities that have taken place in the Accounting module. The displayed information is the time of the event, which data that has been updated, in which procedure it took place and by which user.

Balance Check / Find Error

Here you can check if incorrect balances have been updated to the accounting's balance register. If there are balances in the Report Generator that do not correspond with the general ledger balances, you can use this procedure to rectify the balances. Incorrect balances may be caused by errors that occurred during the update of the general ledger.

Import / Export SIE

Here you can import and export data by using the SIE-format. To transfer data from the system, you first do an export in order to create a so-called SIE-file. The data, saved on the hard drive or CD, can then be loaded to any computer program via the SIE import feature. To import data, the system reads the exported SIE-file in order to load the data and automatically save the entries in the database.