You are here: Accounting > Budget / Forecast > Register Forecast > The Create New Tab

The Create New Tab

Under this tab the system can create several forecasts simultaneously by generating forecasts for a selection of accounts and cost centers, if any. Apart from account and cost center, you can also enter different settings for generating. Here it is possible to decide e.g. the period of time that the forecast should cover, how many previous periods that should be the base for the forecast and you can enter a budget chart according to which the distribution should take place. The forecast number can be entered manually or be created by the system, which will then automatically set the next available consecutive number. Click the Create forecasts button to generate forecasts. When the system has finished its calculations, a result of the generating is shown in an information window containing accounts and a total forecast value for the selected period. By using the Delete forecasts button you can delete existing forecasts. In the Created forecasts window you will see the completed forecast.