You are here: Accounting > Budget / Forecast > Print Budget > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Below you will find a few samples, with comments, of the different list types that can be selected under the Create tab.


The Standard list shows budget values and quantities as totals and separately for each period. Budget values for cost center and cost unit are also displayed. Additional information that can be read from the list is who registered the budget and the date of the last modification.


Example of a Standard list.

For this list you can select the option Show chart in the Window functions in order to view a chart containing the loaded budget values.


The Total list only displays annual values that have been budgeted at respective level (account / cost center / cost unit) in the chart of accounts.


Sample of a Total list.

ClosedTotal / Account

The Total / Account list displays the annual budget accumulated from the sub-levels (cost center / cost unit) to account level.


Sample of a Total / Account list.

For this list you can select the option Show chart in the Window functions in order to view a chart containing the loaded budget values.