You are here: Accounting > Current Accounting > Register Vouchers > Selection


Under the heading Selection you select whether you want to use the Voucher text option when registering vouchers. The cursor will then be placed in the Voucher text field when registering vouchers. If this option is not checked, the cursor will not be placed in this field and the registration of a voucher text is not possible. The texts can be registered further down under the Voucher texts heading.

Select whether AutoCoding shall be activated when registering vouchers. Then AutoCoding registrations must have been made in the AutoCoding procedure.

Select whether you want to Print accounting order when registering vouchers. A dialog box will appear on your screen to confirm the printout.

Here you can also choose if you want today's date to be entered as the default voucher date.

Here you have the opportunity to select which voucher number series that is to be shown when the procedure is opened. The default voucher number series is saved per user (i.e. in the user's ini file).

You can also choose the alternative Include comments in the printout.