You are here: Accounting > Project > Register Project > Status


The project status depends on whether the project is only registered, in progress or finished. The project status can be changed manually, but it is also updated automatically when activities are reported on the project. The following statuses exist for a project:

A newly registered project will be given the status 1 Registered. When a project activity is reported as started (or planned/ordered or result <>0), the project will automatically get the status In progress (3). When all activities are reported as finished, the project will automatically get status 4, Finished. You can perform accounting on a project up to and including status 4 Finished.

When a project status is changed to 9 (Historical), which must always be made manually, you can no longer perform accounting on the project. You can only delete projects with status 9. This is done in the Purging Procedures procedure in the Global Settings module.

Status 6 can be entered manually for a project for example if there are some uncertainties regarding the project. This way you can have the project "resting" for a while with the status standby. A project on standby can be excluded in reports. You can still report different activities for a standby project and it is possible to record indirect work, except for when using the supplement called MONITOR Web – TimeCard.

Reminders of activities in a project will be inactivated if the project has status 6 or 9.