You are here: Global Settings > MONITOR Agent > Monitoring Tasks > Condition for Task

Condition for Task

In the Load template field you can load pre-defined SQL-phrases that correspond to the pre-defined tasks opened via links from other procedures. If the task is created and linked from another procedure, this field is filled in by default.

If you load a template directly in this procedure, you must edit the SQL-phrase in the Condition (SQL) in order to perform the task. You will see a yellow info box to the left which contains information about what needs to be complemented.

Condition for task.

In the SQL-phrase you need to replace all "at signs" (@) with relevant values. When this has been completed, the info box disappears which confirms that the SQL-phrase is valid. If the task is created and linked from another procedure, this field is filled in by default with a valid SQL-phrase.

In the Interval field you decide how often the condition should be checked by the Agent server. The time is entered in seconds, but if the entered number of seconds corresponds to a pre-defined interval you will see the unit for the pre-defined interval. The unit Seconds will always be selected for entered values less than 300. You can also load pre-defined intervals from a list box. If the task is created and linked from another procedure, the interval 1 hour is filled in by default. This information will also be available in the Agent server.

To the far right of the Interval field you will find the button . This button opens a tool that can be used when creating own SQL-phrases (conditions).

Creating own SQL-phrases requires knowledge about SQL and how the database is created in MONITOR. For further information, please contact the Monitor Support Center.