You are here: Global Settings > General > Form Additional Text > Link Additional Texts to

Link Additional Texts to

Here you select how to link additional texts. You can choose the alternatives Language or Additional text group.

The additional text group will override the language.


The default selection is Language. In the Language field that appears you select a language code to register your additional texts in. The language that the selected language code represents is shown in the Name field once it has been selected.

Additional Text Group

In the Additional text group field that appears you can create a new or select an existing additional text group to register your additional texts in. You create an additional text group by entering a code using max eight characters and a name in the Name field and then you save. Then you can enter an additional text for the different forms/e-mail messages in the additional text group.

In the Update Customer procedure in the Sales module and Update Supplier procedure in the Purchase module you will find a field called Additional text group where you can link an additional text group to a customer/supplier. This makes it possible to use customer-specific and supplier-specific additional texts. The additional text groups can also be "mass updated" in the list type Settings in the Customer List and Supplier List procedures.

You can use Save as... from the language you want to use when creating a new additional text group.