You are here: Global Settings > General > Company Info > Bank Account Number/IBAN

Bank Account Number/IBAN

Here you enter the bank account number/IBAN in the bank that the company uses. Foreign customers in the EU/EEA area need to know the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) to be able to make Euro payments to the company. Check with your bank which IBAN number the company bank account has.

The bank account number/IBAN is printed on the forms related to payments, such as invoices and interest invoices etc.

To clarify, you can in the Languages procedure make sure that the translated text on row 186 is changed to IBAN for all language codes.

Currency Account Number

By using the button ClosedCurrency account number you can also enter a specific bank account number/IBAN per currency. The correct bank account number will then automatically be printed on the current form. Here you will also find a setting where you can select whether the Bg/Pg number should be printed in the footer or not. For example, it should not be printed on the invoice to foreign customers located outside the European Union. Please note that the heading for BG/PG will not be displayed either if the setting has not been activated. BIC and Bank name can be entered which means that you can have different banks per currency. You can handle different account numbers for factoring customers by entering Factoring Bank account number, Factoring BIC and Factoring Bank name.If Factoring has been selected for a customer who is invoiced in for example EUR, the information will be loaded from here. If no information is entered here, the information from the Factoring info button will be used instead.

Currency account number.

In the Printout info list in the Currency List procedure you can also update bank account numbers/IBAN per currency and the alternative whether to display or hide the Bg/Pg.