You are here: Global Settings > General > Settings > Reminders


In this section, you will find settings that apply to payment reminders.

Number of payment reminders

Here you enter the number of payment reminders that the system should issue for overdue invoices, before you proceed with collection procedures. The number of reminders entered in this field will determine how many payment reminder texts can be entered in the Payment Reminder Text procedure. The default option here is 3 payment reminders.

In the Update Customer procedure in the Sales module, you enter whether or not payment reminders should be applied. The default setting is to apply payment reminders for customers. Read more about this in the Payment Reminder List procedure.

Days between payment reminders

Enter the number of days that should go between the payment reminders, before a new reminder is sent to the customer. The default option here is 10 days. Please note that the Days of grace between payment reminders are added to the Days between payment reminders. Read more about this in the Payment Reminder List procedure.

Days of grace between payment reminders

Enter the number of days after the invoice due date that should transpire , before a payment reminder is sent to the customer. This is called “days of grace” or “grace period”. The default option here is 3 days.

This means that if the number of days between reminders is 10 and the days of grace are 3 days, it will take 3 days from the due date to the 1st reminder and 13 days from the 1st to the 2nd reminder, and from the 2nd to the 3rd reminder, and so on. Read more about this in the Payment Reminder List procedure.