You are here: Global Settings > General > Payment Reminder Text > General Information about Payment Reminder Text

General Information about Payment Reminder Text

Why Use This Procedure?

In the Payment Reminder Text window you register the payment reminder text that can be printed at the bottom of your payment reminders. You can enter payment reminder text for each registered language in the system. Your payment reminders are printed in the Print Payment Reminders procedure under Accounts Receivable in the Sales module. You can only print payment reminders for those customers that you have configured payment reminders for. This is done in the Update Customer procedure in the Sales module.

You can also print additional text on the payment reminders. These are printed under the payment reminder text, at the bottom of the form. In order for the additional text to be printed, they must have been registered in the Form Additional Text procedure for the Payment Reminder form, and in the Form Settings procedure you must also configure the setting print additional text for the Payment Reminder form.

In the window you can register several levels of payment reminder text, such as Reminder 1, Reminder 2 etc. You configure the number of payment reminder text levels that can be registered, and how many days the interval between the different payment reminders should contain, in the Settings procedure under the Sales tab in the Global Settings module. The information about the number of days between your payment reminders, as well as the number of payment reminders to be sent, will also be displayed as information in this window. The Payment Reminder procedure can be run daily, but the customer will only be sent payment reminders at the predetermined interval.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.