You are here: Global Settings > General > Settings > Work Center

Work Center

In this section, you will find settings that apply to work centers.

Heading for cost factor 1-3

This is where you enter the headings for the three different cost factors that are configured for work centers. For further information about cost factors, please see the help section under Update Work Center. The default heading is C-factor 1 - C-factor 3.

Default cost factor alternative

Here you enter the cost factor alternatives 1-7 that should appear as default for calculations. Each cost factor alternative consists of a certain combination of cost factors. Read more about cost factors in the Help Function, under Update Work Center, and also under Pre-Calculation, where you select the different cost factor alternatives. The default alternative here is 1, which means that there is only cost factor in the first column in Update Work Center procedure.

Use cost factor exceptions?

Here you can select if cost factor exceptions should be used. By activating this setting two cost factors exceptions for each work center will be displayed, apart from the regular collection of cost factors. For the work center you enter the hour cost and names for the exceptions.

For an operation, in the Preparation, you then select if the regular cost factor or one of the two exceptions shall be used. This selection will then affect the Pre-calculation when calculating labor costs. The cost factor alternative is saved on the manufacturing order during the operation reporting and is valid for the order throughout the entire flow, for example in the WIP List and Post-Calculation. The cost factor exceptions can be seen and/or changed in several procedures such as Consists of (Structure List), Work Center Analysis, Adding / Replanning, Order Info and Wok Center List. The exceptions are also considered in the Estimate Annual Volume procedure if you activate Calculate loading.

You can for example use cost factor exceptions for work centers or machines that sometimes are run using lower staffing or even unmanned. This means that the payroll costs will be lower in these cases than when using the regular staffing. Another example could be a laser cutter that needs a more expensive gas for certain material in certain operations. In this case it would mean a higher cost of consumables.

To handle temporary changes of staffing in work centers also in loading, you can use the setting Use staffing factor exceptions for operations? under Preparation.

Show Extra info tab in Update Work Center?

Here you can select whether or not to display the Extra info tab in the Update Work Center procedure. You can choose to show the tab with or without a table.

In this tab you can enter more additional information, if needed, in a number of text fields, date fields, integer fields and decimal fields. The field headings can be adapted to your own needs via the Property Management procedure. The information can then be used in customized reports, etc.