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The Menu Text Window

The Menu Text window consists of two parts. The left part of the window is the Menu structure part which displays a graphic structure of the Module and Procedure menu. Compare with the Explorer in Windows. The right portion of the window consists of a table where you can change the name of three different menu levels.

The top level is Module, and this is where you can change the name of the modules that are displayed under Modules in the Window menu. Here you can also enter a button text for the module buttons that are displayed on the Module menu.

The next level is the Menu heading level, where you can change the name of the menu headings that are displayed on the Procedure menu.

The bottom level is the Menu item level, where you can change the name of the menu items that are displayed on the Procedure menu. Here you can also enter a button text for the shortcut keys for the menu items that are displayed on the toolbar called My windows...

Menu Structure

The Menu structure is displayed graphically in a tree structure, indicating the modules at the top level and the procedures at the lower level. Each module is represented by its respective module button in the Module menu. You can maximize (expand) or minimize the Menu structure in the same way as the Explorer in Windows, by double-clicking on the respective module. In order to change the name of a module or menu heading in the right portion of the window, that part of the Menu structure must first be minimized.


The Menu Text window with the Manufacturing module expanded in the Menu structure.