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The MEDI Program

MEDI is a program that comes with MONITOR and is used to import and export EDI messages to and from the database in MONITOR. The program file for MEDI (medi.exe) is located in the folder called Monwin\Tools.


When running, the program creates export files of EDI messages, that have been saved from different procedures into a table called EDI Data in the database. These export files are then read or loaded by the EDI Bridge, and later deleted by that program, in order to make space for new messages.


When running, MEDI will also read the import files created by the EDI bridge, and save these in the EDI Data table. Afterwards, MEDI will delete the import file to make space for new messages.

Backup of Import and Export Files

When running MEDI the import and export files are created in the respective directories defined under EDI Links. During a new run, the previous file is overwritten by the new file. However, you can create a backup of the old file before it is overwritten. In EDI Links you can with the Backup alternative enter the number of backup files. This means how many earlier versions of the previous file that should be saved. They will then be saved with the file extension 001, 002, etc. during each run of MEDI. The backup files are saved e.g. in the Monwin\edi\backup\001 directory for company 001.

See also:

Running MEDI Manually

Running MEDI Automatically

Scheduling a MEDI Run Using Scheduled Tasks