You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > Invoicing and Payment Plans > Release from Invoicing Plan List

Release from Invoicing Plan List

In this procedure you can release invoice bases according to the invoicing plan (besides from creating invoices from the Register Customer Order procedure). You can:

List Type Standard, Show Not Invoiced

Sample of a Standard list, show Not invoiced.

This list shows all customer orders with invoicing plans where there are partial invoices that are not yet invoiced. Customer orders that have been fully invoiced are not shown in this list.

The partial invoice types Advance and Subsequent are shown only if the partial invoice status is less than 9 (Invoiced), that is, not invoiced or released. Partial invoices of the type Delivery are shown if the actual invoiced amount is less than the planned invoiced amount.

In the Amount column you will see what is left to be invoiced.

The Info column shows why a row cannot be released. This is shown in red. On rows that refer to advance or subsequent partial invoices, the text Released may be shown in this column. The invoice is in that case ready for invoicing in the Invoice Basis procedure. On rows that refer to Delivery, the text "Delivery" is always shown in this column. These can never be released here since they are delivered in the Delivery Reporting procedure. The column Release contains a checkbox where you mark whether or not the partial invoice shall be released. Already released rows or rows of type Delivery cannot be released.

By checking a box under the Create tab you can exclude rows that you cannot release. When you have saved the list, an invoice basis is created. The system creates the invoice basis by "copying" the current partial invoice. This partial invoice will then be added as an invoice row on a new customer invoice. You print these invoices in the Print Invoices procedure. The invoice bases can be previewed in the procedures Invoice Basis or Register Invoices Directly. The invoicing plan is updated and the rows get the status Released. The created invoice basis will be a Debit invoice. The partial invoice type will be set to advance or subsequent in the invoice basis.

List Type Standard, Show For Invoicing

This report shows an Invoice basis list with bases of status 1-3. Only invoices with an invoicing plan will be shown in the list. Each row corresponds to an order part. To the far left you will see to which partial invoice number it belongs. The name is loaded from the partial invoice of the order invoicing plan. The amount is the order part's total invoiced amount.

Sample of a Standard list, show For invoicing.

List Type Standard, Show Invoiced

This list shows an Invoice basis list with bases of status 9 (Invoiced). Only invoices with an invoicing plan will be shown in the list. Each row corresponds to an order part. To the far left you will see to which Partial invoice number it belongs. The Name is loaded from the partial invoice of the order invoicing plan. The Amount is the order part's invoiced amount. The Invoice date is loaded from the Accounts receivable ledger. The Invoice number is loaded from the invoice header of the order part. Payment date is loaded from the payment date field in the Accounts receivable ledger.

Sample of a Standard list, show Invoiced.

List Type Standard, Show All

This list shows all orders with invoicing plans. All partial invoices are shown, both Invoiced and Not invoiced. The information is loaded from the invoicing plan on the customer order. In the Inv. plan column you will see what will be invoiced according to the invoicing plan. The Invoiced column shows what has been invoiced on the partial invoice. This is loaded from the invoicing plan. The Not invoiced column shows the difference between the Inv. plan column and the Invoiced column.

Sample of a Standard list, show All.

Only Total

The Only total list type shows one row per order number.

Sample of an Only total list.