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Basic Settings for Customer Order Transfer

In the Customer Order Transfer Settings procedure in the Sales module you configure the necessary settings for transferring orders between sales companies and manufacturing companies. The customer order transfer is based on each company having its own part register, customer register and supplier registers.

Customer Order Transfer Settings

The customer order transfer setting is a component that is invoked by MONITOR and which handles transfers of orders from the sales company to the manufacturing company. The different companies must be handled in the same MONITOR system, which means that they must exist as different companies in the system, for example 001, 002, etc.

The user is logged in with his/her normal user account in MONITOR in the company in which he/she works, and registers orders or deliveries in the normal way. When orders or deliveries shall be transferred, the user (customer order transferor) will link to the sales company or manufacturing company using a special dedicated user. A special user name and a user license* are required for this. The TRANSFER user is intended for customer order transfer. This user name is added to the Users procedure in the Global Settings module. The user only has user rights in the Register Customer Order, Delivery Reporting and Delivery List procedures.

Different sets of transfer profiles can be configured between the same companies and selected for each order via a column in the order header.

* License for this special user is included in the supplement Customer Order Transfer.

Part Number

The same part number must exist in the part register both in the sales and the manufacturing company for the customer order transfer to work. However, the parts do not have belong to the same part type in both companies. For example, the part number "252252" in the sales company is a P-part, but the same part number in the manufacturing company might be an M-part.

The part registers are separate for the different companies.