Number Series - Memnon and Fradok (DHL)

Open the Number Series procedure under the General menu in the Global Settings module.

Register the number series Shipment number and SSCC package number. If the number series Shipment number is missing, please contact your shipping agent. If the number series SSCC package number is missing, please see below or contact GS1 (formerly EAN) at

Explanation of the SSCC package number:

The STE-labels have unique package identities, that is, each package is marked with its own number. Normally you use SSCC to identify packages. Such a number series can be created based on the company's corporate identification number, "Individual numbers" or the GS1 company prefix. It is most common that you base it on the corporate identification number. This means that you can use your company's corporate identification number, use/order your GS1 company prefix or contact your shipping agent to obtain a number series.

Read more about this on GS1 Sweden's website:

Package numbers created from the corporate ID number make it possible for you to send 10 000 packages, 100 000 packages with "Individual numbers" and 100 000 000 packages or more with GS1 company prefix.

The SSCC package numbers consists of a total of 18 digits. The last digit is a control digit calculated by MONITOR and added to the package number. This digit is not visible in the Number Series procedure.

The SSCC package number has a start digit between 0-9 (previously the start digit could only be set to 3). In MONITOR you will find a setting called Automatic enumeration of SSCC prefix's start digit, under Shipping under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure. This setting is not activated by default. If you activate the setting, the start digit will be enumerated one step when the number series ends. However, if the SSCC shall be created from the company's corporate identification number, the start digit shall always be set to 3.

It is important that the SSCC package numbers are unique for a period of at least 18 months. (DB Schenker, DHL and DSV Road - 18 months. PostNord - 36 months. GS1 informs that certain shipping agents require unique package numbers for 48 months). If 10 000 unique package identities are not sufficient for your company over the shortest period that your shipping agents demand, you should get a number series containing more numbers!

Create SSCC Package Numbers from Corporate Identification Number

If you create SSCC from corporate ID number, you use your company's 10-digits corporate ID number and remove the last digit (control digit). In the example below we have used Monitor ERP System AB's corporate identification number 556071-3454 where the last control digit 4 has been removed.

By adding the digits 3736 in front of the first nine digits in the corporate identification number and adding four zeros (0000) at the end, you will receive the start number for SSCC package number including prefix. This results in 37365560713450000. The last number of the number series (the stop number) should have four nines (9999) at the end. This results in 37365560713459999. In the table below you can see how prefixes and start codes are created using corporate identification numbers.

Sample of Prefixes and Start codes based on corporate ID number.

In MONITOR, the SSCC package number is entered using eight digits for the Prefix and nine digits in the Start code, Start and Stop. The prefix is the first eight digits in the SSCC package number created according to the sample above. This results in 37365560. The Start code will be the remaining nine digits, that is, 713450000. In the Start field you enter the start number and in the Stop field you enter the stop number.

The SSCC package number created from the corporate identification number.

If there are any zeros in the beginning of the start code, these will be removed when you leave the field. However, these will be regenerated when MONITOR calculates the next available number.

Please Note! In MONITOR you will find a setting called Automatic enumeration of SSCC prefix's start digit, under Shipping under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure. This setting is not activated by default. If you activate the setting, the start digit will be enumerated one step when the number series ends. If the SSCC shall be created from the company's corporate identification number, the start digit shall always be set to 3. In this case, this setting must not be activated!

SSCC Package Number Received from Shipping Agent

If you have received the SSCC package number from your shipping agent, you enter a three (3) in front of the GS1 customer number which has seven characters. This results in the eight digits which are required. The GS1 number series is entered in the Start code, Start and Stop fields.

In the sample the GS1's customer number is 7322151 and the GS1's number series is 190475010-190485009. This results in Prefix 37322151, Start code 190475010, Start 190475010 and Stop 190485009.

The SSCC package number created from GS1.