You are here: Manufacturing > Parts > Consists of (Structure List) > The Create Tab

Search Form

The Search Form of the Consists of (Structure List) procedure is actually the Closedleft portion of the window.

Search Form in the Consists of (Structure List).

It contains a table in which you can enter the part number you want to view. By using the button above the table, you can copy parts from the part selection. In the table you can also see part type and change configuration.

Below the table you select a list type (what you want to display for each part). You can also select what you want to show in the report. You can select to include instructions and tools, and whether to display the structure map as Maximized (standard default). There are also a few printout settings.

The Search Form also contains a key to the color symbols that represent the different part types that can be viewed in the structure map.

To the right of the Search Form there is a structure map, with a graphic display of all parts in which the selected part is used after you have selected Load structure under the window functions.

Please note. If the setting Use alternate preparations? has been set to Alternate preparation visible from the start, under the heading Preparation under the Manufacturing tab in Settings procedure, the entire width of the window will be used for the table in the Search Form. In this case, the term columns are visible from the start.