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General Information about Replace Part - Configuration

Why Use This Procedure?

The purpose of this procedure is to facilitate:

Parts that are configured as selection alternatives to selection groups in the Update Configuration Group or Update Selection Group must first be registered in the part register.

You can register parts in the Preparation and Update Part - Inventory procedures.

Replacing Parts

You can use this procedure when for example a part, that is used in a selection group, is obsolete and will be replaced by a new part. The part that has become obsolete is selected in the Search Form in the left field called Part Number, and the new part is selected in the right field called New part number. However, you must first create the new part in the part register.

If you have selected a "New part number" and the selection groups have been loaded into the window, you can deselect the rows in the Replace column in which the part should not be replaced, by unchecking the respective boxes. You can also change the For operation quantity under the FOP column and the incorporated quantity under the Quantity column for all rows.

When saving, the program will review all selection groups and the part will be replaced for all rows that are checkmarked under the Replace column. If you have made changes in the "For operation" and "Quantity" fields, this information is also updated.

Only Updating "For Operation" or "Quantity"

Another way of using this procedure is when the quantity entered in the For operation or incorporated Quantity columns for a part shall be changed in all selection groups. The part that shall be changed is then entered in the left field of the Search Form called Part number. You should then leave the right field called New part number empty.

Once the selection groups have been loaded into the window, you can make changes in the FOP and Quantity columns.

When you Save, the program reviews all selection groups and replaces the information entered on the selected rows.

Read more about this list under Printout Samples.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.