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Printout Samples

Below you will find a few samples of the different lists that can be selected under the Create tab, as well as read some comments regarding each list type.


In the Standard list, you will see the part rows containing information such as: Part number, Name, Part code, Part category and Product group. For each part row you will also see the following information: Customer code, Order number, Seller, Delivery period, Ordered quantity, Price, Amount, CM and CR. For each part row you will also see total values for Quantity, Amount, CM and CR. At the very bottom of the list, you will see a total of these values for the entire selection.
Depending on how the list was classified, the list can be sorted by different terms.

A printout sample of the Standard list.


The Total list shows the total quantity and value for the selected classification alternative. The list is classified by Part number in the sample below.

A printout sample of the Total list.

You can also view the Total list in chart form by using Show chart under the Window functions.

A printout sample of the Total list - Chart.

ClosedSave Annual Budget

In the Save annual budget list you can save new annual budgets for the parts. You can update the columns Quantity and New annual budget. If an old annual budget exists for the part, the difference between the old annual budget and the new annual budget will be shown in both quantity and percent. If you check the box Save budget chart, the budget chart will be saved to the part.

You execute the new annual budget by selecting Run and then Save in the Window functions.

Printout sample of the Save annual budget list.