In the R (Rules) column you can access a window by using the R button. In this window you can create rules between selection alternatives (parts) or between selection alternatives and selection groups.
These rules can be used to exclude selection alternatives and selection groups. It can also be used to include selection alternatives. There is also an option to configure a rule as double-working, read more about this below. You can use rules to for example prevent certain combinations of selection alternatives and selection groups, or you can determine that if a certain selection alternative has been chosen you should also be allowed to choose from other selection alternatives.
At the top of the window (in the title bar), you will see for which selection alternative the rules are created.
Select from Structure
In the section Select from structure, you chose which selection alternative(s) that shall be excluded from or included in the current selection alternative.
By using the button, you can add alternatives to the rule window. By using the
button, you can remove the selected alternative from the rule window. By using the
button, you can clear the entire rule window.
In the section Excludes, you add the selection alternatives or selection groups that shall not be allowed to be combined with the current selection alternative. In the image above you can not combine the selection alternatives "Seven-speed" and "Front/rear fender, plastic" with the selection alternative "Frame steel 51 cm" (for which the rule window applies).
Please note that you can also exclude an entire selection group from a selection alternative but it is not possible to include a selection group in a selection alternative.
Double-Working Rule
The setting Double-working rule is not selected by default. If this setting is activated, an offset rule is automatically created for the selection alternative/selection group that shall be excluded. For the selection alternative "Frame steel 51 cm", the selection alternative "Seven-speed" is excluded in the image above. By using the setting Two-way rule, a rule is automatically created for the selection alternative "Seven-speed" that excludes the selection alternative "Frame steel 51 cm".
Includes Selection Group Alternative
In the section Includes selection group alternative, you add the selection alternatives that shall be allowed to be combined with the current selection alternative. For a bicycle you could for example include the selection alternatives handlebar basket and saddlebag.
Excluded by
Under Excluded by, you will see by which other selection group alternatives and selection groups that the current selection alternative is excluded. The field can not be edited.
Included by
Under Included by, you will see by which other selection group alternatives and selection groups that the current selection alternative is included. The field can not be edited.