You are here: Manufacturing > Reporting > Comprehensive Reporting > Operation Rows

Operation Rows

In the upper table you can see the Closedoperation rows for all incorporated operations for the selected part in the structure map.

The operation rows in Comprehensive Reporting.

Here you can report Finished quantity and Reported time in hours (cost for subcontracts). If you have selected the alternatives Suggest rest on operation, Time and Quantity, the system will suggest the planned values for these fields when you select a part in the structure map. If none of the above alternatives have been selected, the system suggests zero (0) for the Finished quantity and Reported time.

If you have activated the setting called Use measuring points in preparation and order you will find a button called Measuring points in the window. Enter measurements by using the button #M (the operation has measuring points). If there is no pound sign (#) on the button, the operation has no measuring points. If so, the button will be inactive.

On the operation rows you can select the Extended update feature, which can be found in the Info menu or by using Alt+U. You can link to the Arrival Reporting - Subcontract via the Info menu.