You are here: Manufacturing > Orders > Pick List > General Information about Print Pick Lists

General Information about Print Pick Lists

Why Use This Procedure?

Here you can print a pick list for material that is included in the manufacturing order, clear material in connection with the printout and report material withdrawals for the manufacturing order in a list. Please note that the pick list in the Material Clearance procedure is still available.

This procedure can be used to make sure that you have all the necessary material for an order before the order is started or picking is started in your warehouse. In other words, this procedure checks the requirements that the order have against the physical balance that exists, and then reports any shortages that will make it impossible for the order to be started. The Pick List procedure is mainly intended for those users who report the material before the manufacturing is started.

What Does This Procedure Print?

Under the Create tab you can select to create a pick list or a material reporting list. The pick list is used for withdrawals from stock. You can choose to clear the material directly when printing the pick list.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

When using the list type Material reporting you can update Reported quantity and D (delete rest quantity).

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.