You are here: Manufacturing > Orders > Register Manufacturing Order > Part Number

Part Number

Here you select a part number that you want to register a manufacturing order for. If you are replanning an existing order, you can use this box to uncheck the main part in the M box, so that the replanning can be made for an individual part in the structure order.

When you open this procedure, the cursor is automatically positioned in this field. To create a manufacturing order, you just need to select a part number and a quantity, and then you can click the Save button in the window functions to immediately create the manufacturing order.

If you do not want to take the order number for the manufacturing order from the number series, you must first move the cursor to the Order number field and enter an order number there. After that, you must enter a part number and quantity. The part name is shown in the Name field. If you want to replan an existing order instead, you must also move the cursor to the Order number field.