You are here: Workshop Info > Employees > Update Employee > Extra Work Settings

Extra Work Settings

Extended reporting of direct work

This setting is used together with the settings "Of which setup time direct work" and/or "Of which indirect time direct work". You can perform "Extended work recording" for an operation in the recording terminal, which means that you can manually enter setup times and/or indirect time + code at the same time that an operation is being partially reported, interrupted or reported as finished.

Of which setup time direct work

Check this setting in order to perform extended reporting of setup time for operations in the recording server.

Of which indirect time direct work

Check this setting in order to perform extended reporting of indirect work for operations in the recording server.

Partial reporting at out/stop

This setting is used to force partial reporting of operations in the recording terminal when the employee is clocked-out. This means that the recording terminal will automatically switch to the modes: Partial report work at: clock-out overtime; clock-out or Out absent, if the employee has started direct work.

Link indirect work

Configure this setting if you want to link indirect work when the work is reported as finished.
The following alternatives are available: 0=No, 1=Yes, 2=Required.

Default for linking indirect work

This setting allows you to select to what you want to link the indirect work when the work is reported as finished.
The following alternatives are available: 0=None, 1=Manufacturing order, 2=Part number, 3=Part type, 4=Report number, 5=Project, 7=Supplier, 8=Purchase order, 9=Customer, 10=Customer order, 11=Additional text.

Link indirect work to department

This setting allows you to link the indirect work to a department when the work is reported as finished.
The following alternatives are available: 0=No, 1=Yes, 2=Required.

Link indirect work to work center

This setting allows you to link the indirect work to a work center when the work is reported as finished.
The following alternatives are available: 0=No, 1=Yes, 2=Required.

Always "Print in Priority Plan"

If you configure this setting, all operations will be printed in the priority plan for the employee no matter if these work centers have been marked with "Print in priority plan" or not.

Default filter for priority plan in Start work

This setting makes it possible to create a filter for priority plan by default.

Here you can select among the following alternatives:

Lock filter

If you activate this setting, the employee will be prevented from changing the filter in Start work.

Lock priority plan horizon

If you activate this setting, the employee will be prevented from changing the priority plan horizon in Start work.

Default tab in Start work

By using this setting you can determine which tab that will be opened by default in the Start work:

* The Tool Management is a supplement to MONITOR. When a tool is not linked to the operation, you will find a second choice. That is why you have an alternative to each Tool selection.