You are here: Workshop Info > Employees > Update Employee > General Information about Update Employee

General Information about Update Employee

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to enter personal and specific information about each employee. This information includes name, address, schedule calendar, card code, settings for work recording etc. The information will affect such things as the employee's recording procedures and time reporting. If you have installed the supplement called Machine Integration, the machines are also registered in this procedure.

Apart from general information, you can also configure settings here that will determine how each employee will work. Please note that before you can start registering employees, you must first create at least one group setting in the Group Settings procedure.

It is important to differentiate between an Employee and a User in MONITOR. Employees can be registered regardless of the users, and employees are applied only in the Workshop Info module. It is customary to register a user account per terminal (in the Users procedure in the Global Settings module) for workshop terminals that several employees use when recording.

The heading row is where you select an employee. You also enter an employee number for new employees in the heading row.

If you will be managing the attendance recording, you must register information about working hours and work schedules under the Attendance settings tab. Furthermore, you must have created schedules and schedule calendars in the Update Schedule and Schedule Calendars procedures. You must also decide about if flex time is allowed, what type of overtime that is allowed and certain information about absence checks, which all come from the Group Settings procedure.

In order to use work recording in the system, you must first determine which limitations apply to the employee when recording work, such as a limited number of work centers to choose work from. This information is registered under the Work settings tab.

You can register address information to the employee and the employee's relatives under the Info tab. Under the Notes tab you can enter comments about the employee.

Apart from these tabs, you can also activate an extra tab called Extra info. This tab consists of a number of fields where you can enter optional information. This tab is only available if you have activated the setting Show Extra info tab in Update Employee, under the section Miscellaneous under the Workshop Info tab in the Settings procedure.

If you have installed the supplement called Machine Integration the Machine tab is also available. This tab is intended for machines in the production that are included in the machine integration.

Links to Group Settings

A group setting functions pretty much like a predetermined set of default attendance settings in the Update Employee procedure. The settings in the Group Settings procedure are also available in Update Employee, with a few exceptions (see below). When you register a new employee, you must first link it to a group setting, which means that all the settings that determine the attendance recording are preset. This way the registration will be must faster.

Another advantage with group settings is that any changes you need to make to the settings can be made by changing the actual group settings, and these changes will then be applied to all the employees that are linked to it.

The settings that are linked to the group setting display the text in italics here in the Update Employee procedure. If such a setting is changed and the field name appears with bold font as well, this means that the employee did not follow the settings made in the Group Setting. You should then create a new group setting that suits the settings of the employee.

Some of the fields in the Group Settings procedure do not exist in the Update Employee procedure, such as Overtime limit before/after working hours, Absence code for below flex, Shorter working hours, Salary type for makeup and Shift compensation. Please read the Help section for the Group Settings procedure for a more detailed description of these fields.

Save as...

You can use the Save as... function to copy information about attendance, work and authorized by. The employee number, name and initials shall be entered in the Save as... window.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.