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General Information about Update Schedule

In the Update Schedule procedure you create and update schedules that will be linked to the employees, either directly or via a Schedule Calendar. Under the Day type tab, you will find a graphic presentation of the schedule.

Why Do You Need Schedules?

When it comes to attendance and work reporting, all the time reporting is created by time recording. The result is a bunch of time intervals indicating when employees have arrived and left, started and finished work. However, these recordings cannot be used as "verification of facts" to pay salaries and report the time used for work included in a post-calculation.

However, if all recording and time intervals for each recording can be compared to some kind of template that indicates exactly which days during the week, and which times of the day, are considered working hours, and based on that, the comparison can determine which hours of the recorded time that can be counted as working hours, overtime and absence, then there is a correct verification. That template is a schedule.

Taking it one step further, the schedule for all recorded time that has been verified via the schedule, should be able to indicate which kind of compensation (salaries, comp time etc) should be paid. Then the system can add the total of all time to a salary basis. The solution is to link salary types to schedules.

Principles for Linking Schedules to Recording

There are several different principles used to link a schedule to an employee. The setting that determines which link that will apply is configured in the Update Employee procedure. There are three alternatives: Schedule by calendar, Fixed schedule or No schedule.

Schedule by Calendar
A schedule calendar contains a particular schedule for each day of the year, including national holidays and other exceptions from the regular work week.

If you use shift work, you must use a schedule calendar to make sure that the working hours automatically shift during different weeks. This is the most usual setting for employees who perform attendance recording. Calendars are created in the Schedule Calendars procedure.

Fixed Schedule
If you are using a Fixed schedule, it will not take any special holidays into consideration. Recording is performed against this fixed schedule every day of the year, which means that you also use the same overtime schedule for all the weeks. All work recording and clocking in and out is performed as usual, but you can not report any absence or overtime.

It may be appropriate to use a 24-hour schedule for those employees that have very irregular working hours, and that do not report any overtime but still have fixed times for coffee breaks etc. One example would be the cleaning staff or machine that uses machine recording.

No Schedule
This is used just like a fixed schedule, but here you cannot enter any fixed breaks for your employees. When using machine recording, this means that when the operator takes a break or stops working, the machine must be stopped/started in order for work to be properly recorded.

Schedule Exceptions
If using either Schedule by calendar or Fixed schedule, you can temporarily change the schedule here for one day or a short period. This is used when an employee temporarily wants to change his/her working hours, for example if two employees want to change shifts. Schedule exceptions for the given period are configured in the Schedule Exceptions procedure or per day, directly by the employee via the Recording Terminal if allowed, please see Schedule change.

See also:

How Do Schedules Work in MONITOR?

Schedule Principles

Explanations and Definitions

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.