You are here: Workshop Info > Schedules / Tables > Schedule Exceptions > General Information about Schedule Exceptions

General Information about Schedule Exceptions

Why Use This Procedure?

This procedure is used to link an alternate work schedule - in other words, a "schedule exception" - to an employee during a particular period. You can also create schedule exceptions for machines in this procedure.

What Do You Do in this Window?

You enter an alternate schedule (schedule exception) and a specific date interval for one employee at a time. The regular schedule will then be replaced by this schedule during the period you selected. In this procedure, you can:

Link to Recording Terminal

The Change schedule feature in the Recording Terminal is linked to this procedure. When an employee changes schedule in the Recording Terminal, a row is created here with the selected schedule. The date interval will then be one day, the day the schedule is changed.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.